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Poems from my travels in North, Central and South America over the last two years and counting!

Poemas de América Sur 2015



If you are a lookout, then I am a landscape.

Can you see my vast mountains?

My peaks that the sky scrapes?

My lake has endless ripples from the pebble that you tossed, 

emanating through the cosmos, disperse but never lost.


A Stroll through Great Mystery's Park

Take the time to realign your heart and mind with the divine,

and float along this conscious stream, dive into your lucid dream.

Manifesting magic,

can't turn back the time, can't turn back the tide.

I'll sail the seas to find you,

to make our dreams at last come true,

the sky reflects the ocean blue,

the cosmic mirror, mystic brew,

is stirring spirals in our hearts,

generating light,

shining through the dark

Ignite Great Spirit's inner spark,

and take a strole, for life is a walk,

in Great Mystery's Park. 


What is a Flower?
A flower is a seed that decided it’s greatest joy is to Bloom. 

A flower is a brilliant, vibrant expression of life, attracting pollinators to spread beauty.

A flower is a beautifier, an enchanter, and enchantress, a beacon for seed spreaders, angelic beings and planetary healers. 

A flower attracts bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and people. 

A flower opens and closes, responding to sunlight, symbiotically connected with the interactive interface of the interwoven ecosystem of Pachamama Gaia. 

A human being expressing floral energy is sweet, sensual, vibrant, and inspires others to blossom into their own heart’s truth. 

A flower beautifies, brings vibrancy, and catalyzes pollination. 

World Peace Frequency
Vibrating on World Peace Frequency,

emmanating Love and Light with decency,

Waking up all of humanity,

friend to all, metamorphosis, reality.
We can do this.
We have got each other.
Seeing every being 

as our sisters and our brothers. 


There's nothing in the night 

That can come close to vibrant light,

but the brilliant moon's reflection of the sun.

And the stars shining so bright,

are all beacons of the source,

cosmic lighthouses

to bring lost wanderers home.

Guided by the moonlight,

Guided by the stars,

Guided by the sacred central sunlight,

right to the home within our hearts. 



With clear intention

I want to be real

to be raw

to be authentic

to see and feel myself and others

on the most genuine level of existence. 

This is my prayer for today. 


Choice is only an illusion if we chose it to be. 



Musica, musica, abajo las estrellitas

Bailando con familia 

del corazón, de la alma, 

alma, alma,

cantando en un Sangha,

Buddhas de la Dharma, 

Caminando, Caminando,

El camino de me vida,

levantase arriba

despierto ahorita

a esta vida bonita


Corazon abierto

Lotus, floreciendo

ahora, entiendo, 

todos puedo siento



I am a blossoming flower

fully in bloom

I am the song of creation

fully in tune


As the tree said to the seed,
may you grow up tall like me,
may your days be filled with glee,
and may you spread your branches free. 


Speaking in Deffinitives

“I'm worth everything.” 
“There's nothing I would do to compromise my greatness.” 
“Gratitude is necessary to feel that we have everything.” 

Embracing my own power. Taking responsibility. Not having to depend on anyone else. 

With everything, every act, every decision, ask: What message am I trying to send? What message am I sending? What meaning and purpose will be interpreted? What effect is this going to have?


Song of Life

The song of life carries us into heavenly realms, 

opening the Sky to hidden healms 

behind and beyond every veil of every trail

in every moment, we expand into new lands of possibility, 

discovering our potential within every experience, 

all moments are opportunities to feel the vastness, 

richness, and fertile possibility. 

And always, we can fully embody the creative expression of ALL, 

concentrated when we fully embody the divine. 

What we do when we change ourselves, transforms every inter-action in this life. 


A Drop of Water

Dream with a pulsing heart, 

with eyes set on the horizon, 

with feet firm on the earth

with wings ready to pen

with a chest full of wonder

a belly full of butterflies.


You are a drop of water, 

that became a wave,

always One

with the Ocean. 

Water finds the path of least resistance.

And flows, boldly,

held by the motion of the Cosmic Swell.

With Curiosity of the wonder 

of this marvelous mysterious world,

all doors are open

and a cornucopia 

of fervent discoveries



The Legend of Life

The Legend of Life keeps unfolding. Energy infinite. 

What comes next is always a mystery.

 We are here to rewrite history. 

   With her story into our story. 

      Because this is the story of glorious exist-Dance. 

    A cosmic romance. 

  This is our chance to enhance elegance, 

and glance at a world in perfect balance. 


One Eternal Dancing Flame

Everything you’ve ever been looking for is already here within.

Go inside, you don’t have to search any more. 

From here we can really begin… 

to see that the source of everything is the same, 

we are all one eternal dancing flame,

 playing out and writing the rules of this game. 

One ocean, many drops of rain. 

The flames of the fire don’t disappear, they just weave back into the atmosphere.


Dreams, Diving Deep into the Mystery

Navigating New Avenues of Experience

for the instigation and catylization

of Global Awakening,

Growing Wings. 

Pachamama Gaia

Breathing Deep. 

Keeping our eyes on the Horizon. 


Dream Awake

Dream Awake

Dream Big, Dream it up. 

What is your role to play in the Bigger Picture?

What Dream are you Anchoring yourself to?

What ideal reality are you a seed for,

planted and ready to blossom into full expression

of vibrant beauty that showers its love throughout the entire cosmos

and sprinkles seeds of new life everywhere in its path?

   I am a light seed, a star seed,

an ambassador of vibrant healthy conscious community

intentionally focusing on co-creating a world that works for everyone,

that helps people bounce back up when they’ve fallen down,

that rekindles the inner fire when it’s flickered out,

that washes and soothes gritty jumbled souls,

and that keeps loving nurturing caring attention to Pachamama,

the earth we all walk upon, and tends to the Garden of life which feeds and sustains us.

We have what it takes to heal the world’s pain, soothe our collective wounds,

nurture the places where we are still broken,

and solve the clogs that hold us back,

so we can open clear channels for clear streams to flow through,

so we all can be happy, healthy and Free,

as one, collectively,

united in our Multiplicity. 

Music to listen to while you read

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