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Our South America GoFundMe page:

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This is a Fundraiser. 

I Am Bloom (Robin Liepman)

I Am Sophia Ocean (Sophie Fairweather)

Together, We Are Compersion.

And We are going to South America!

Something epic is happening in the world. And we're all involved

We are going to South America to build bridges and understanding between North and South American culture, and to connect with the Indigenous, including the Shipibo, Kechua, and Achuar. Rather than going with a "grand master plan to save the world," we are embarking on this journey to discover how we can work together with our planetary brothers and sisters to co-create a world that is thriving, just, and sustainable. 

“If you come here to help me, you’re wasting your time. If you come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.” Lilla Watson. 


Countless prophecies have emerged about this particular time on the planet. The Maya say this is the dawn of a new cycle, a new paradigm. The Hopi say that we are the generation that for seven generations back, has been danced and prayed for (the Hopi Ghost Dance). Drunvalo Malcheizedek describes how the hotspot of the Kundalini of the Earth has moved from India and the Himalayas to Peru, Chile and the Andes. Many Amazonian tribes talk about the Eagle and the Condor Prophecy:

"The Eagle and the Condor is an ancient Amazonian prophecy that speaks of human societies splitting into two paths. The path of the Condor is the path of heart, of intuition, and of the feminine. The path of the Eagle is the path of the mind, of the industrial, and of the masculine.
The prophecy says that the 1490s would begin a 500 year period during which the Eagle people would become so powerful that they would virtually drive the Condor people out of existence. This can be seen in the conquering of the Americas and the killing and oppressing of the indigenous peoples in the subsequent 500 years – up to and including today.
The prophecy says that during the next 500-year period, beginning in 1990, the potential will arise for the Eagle and the Condor to come together, to fly in the same sky, and to create a new level of consciousness for humanity. The prophecy only speaks of the potential, so it’s up to us to activate this potential and ensure that a new consciousness is allowed to arise."

To us, everything is inherently connected. The massacre that's happening in the Amazon is both a direct cause and result of global industrial exploitation, unconscious over-consumption, and the illusory paradigm of separatness. People across the planet are beginning to awaken to the reality of our interconnectedness, our responsibility to tending to the garden of Gaia, and our birthright of utopian co-exist-dance. We are here to help bridge the gaps, lift the veil, and turn the ideal into the real deal. This is why we are embarking upon this journey to South America. 

We're On a Quest. To Weave our Dreams. Into Realities. 

To our ancestors, future generations, and those currently living on the face of pachamama and beyond, Aho Matakuye Oyasin.

Thank you so much for your attention and support. This journey is not just for us, but for all beings. We will be documenting our journey, writing songs, poetry and articles, and keeping you all in the loop as we learn, grow, explore, and get galactivated. 


Bloom and Sophia


Potential places we plan on going to:

Peru: Cusco, Lima, Machu Pichu, Lake Titicaca, Pizac (Sacred Valley)

Ecuador: Quito, Banos, Otavalo, San Clemente 

Bolivia: La Paz, Salar De Uyuni 

Colombia: Cartajena, Tyrona, Santa Marta


More information, articles, and updates on South America


Moving into a New Era in Ecuador:

Stop Petroamazonas from Destroying the Amazon:

Study Finds Indigenous Land Management Highly Effective in Combating Climate Change:

Pachamama Alliance:

I Am Life:

Google Doc for our Journey (Feel Free to Add Anything): 

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