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Meet Compersion

We are Compersion. We like you. You're awesome.

How did it all start? Let us tell you! 

On one fateful day in Costa Rica, Bloom and Sophia Ocean met, and from that moment on, the world has been really silly and amazing. These dynamic squiggly giggling paradigm shifting planetary protecting rainbow warriors have been rocking out with their socks off all over the place. You can find them sneak-attacking people with beautiful music during their regular “ninja gig” performances at transformational festivals and gatherings, or just on the street, or in your mind every time you close your eyes. We’re always with you. 

What the hemp is Compersion anyway?

"Compersion" is a great alternative to jealousy! 

Originally a polyamory term, our interpretation of compersion is this: Being stoked, inspired and encouraging when something awesome happens to someone else, rather than repressively jealous!

We are spreading this new concept into collective consciousness like vitamineral greens diseminating into hemp milk, to facilitate the co-creation of a better brighter cooperative future!


Bloom says: "I like you AND love you!"

Sophia says: "I'll take that with More Awesome please."

***Some of the text in this message has been altered to make it more accurate

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